Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thursday, April 24, 2014
Math--Period 1--Study your divisibility rules.  You will need to be able to write them for tomorrow's quiz.  Your quiz tomorrow will also include factoring and writing equivalent fractions.  Finish workbook page P 9-2.  Remember to show your factoring!  
Math--Period 2--Study your divisibility rules. You will need to be able to write them for tomorrow's quiz. Your quiz tomorrow will also include factoring, writing equivalent fractions, and reducing fractions.  Complete page 225 numbers 33 to 40.  Carefully read every problem and show all of your work in your notebook.
Science--Period 3--We took our test today.  There is no homework.
Science--Period 4--Today we continued our first Mixtures and Solutions lab. There is no homework.
Homeroom Reminders--Weather permitting, we will go to the Higher Up Park in Ashland for our PSSA reward.  Students may wear Phys. Ed. clothes.  Remember to bring a lunch if you did not order one from the cafeteria.  Also 3 people need to hand in their permission slips in order to go!  Tomorrow is Day 4--Computer class.
Have a great night!