Monday, April 7, 2014

Monday, April 7, 2014
Math--Periods 1 and 2--There is no homework.
Science--Period 3--Today in class we started reading the article "Earth Elements" which introduces the students to the elements that compose our bodies and Earth.  There is no homework.
Science--Period 4--Today in class we continued our Natural Wonders writing project.  We will work on this in class tomorrow and Wednesday.  Your completed project is due on Thursday.
Homeroom Reminders--Schedule changes--Tomorrow we start our PSSA Writing Assessments.  We will work on this until Thursday.  Students may wear Phys. Ed. clothing until Thursday.  Your signed report card slips are due by Wednesday.  The PTO Spring Fling Chinese Auction will be this weekend.  Shop and Drop will be on Saturday from 10:30 to 5:00.  The auction will be from 12:00 to 5:00 on Sunday with prizes drawn at 3:00.  All of this takes place in the cafeteria at the high school.  Tomorrow is Day 2--Library class. 
Have a great night!