Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday, September 8, 2014
Math--Period 1--Study your place value chart. Be able to name all of the places in order starting with the ones and ending with hundred billions. Also be able to name the four periods from smallest to largest.  Complete textbook page 3 and textbook pages 6 and 7 numbers 1 to 13.  Do all of your work in your notebook.
Math--Period 2--Study your place value chart. Be able to name all of the places in order starting with the ones and ending with hundred billions. Also be able to name the four periods from smallest to largest.  Complete worksheet R 1-1 and the worksheet on word form and expanded form. 
Science--Periods 3 and 4--Your deep sea creature project is due on Thursday.  Several students have already handed in their projects!  Remember to select three animals and write at least two good fact sentences about each one. Proofread your work and write neatly.  For the Go Green! activity on page 9 identify a source of pollution in your community.  Write it in your book in the white space above the activity.  Tomorrow we will discuss possible solutions to these pollution problems.
Homeroom Reminders--Picture day is on Friday.  Tomorrow is Day 5--Music class.
Have a great night!