Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday, September 15, 2014
Week Four!
Math--Periods 1 and 2--We will have our lesson 1.1 test on tomorrow.  Complete the two worksheets that we started in class today.  For the "Reading 7 Digit Numbers" worksheet write the word and expanded form of numbers C to K on lined paper.  Practice reading the numbers on this sheet orally with an adult at home.  If you do this and get the paper signed, you will earn a bonus point for the test.  What a deal!   The second worksheet is called Digit Values.  Follow the directions and complete the paper.
Science--Periods 3 and 4--Students received their quizzes back today.  Please review them tonight and return them to school tomorrow.  We started our lab today--"Which method keeps bread freshest?"
Homeroom Reminder--Tomorrow is Day 5--Music class.
Have a great night!