Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Math--Period 1--Complete worksheet 11/19 on comparing decimals.  Remember to use underlines and stack your numbers to help you compare.
Math--Period 2--Complete two 11/19 worksheets.  On worksheet PW 78 only complete problems 7 to 12.  Remember to list your factors.  Study your rules of divisibility.
Math--Period 3--Complete worksheet 11/19.  Remember to list your factors.  Practice factoring without boxes.  Pick numbers between 2 and 100, practice factoring, and check your accuracy using your factor packet.  Study your rules of divisibility and prime number list.
Homeroom Reminders--Tomorrow, students may purchase ice cream in the cafeteria during lunch.  Tomorrow will also be Day 4--Phys. Ed. class.
We had a great day!
Have a nice evening!