Monday, November 25, 2019

Monday, November 25, 2019

Math--Period 1--Complete worksheet 11/25 on rounding whole numbers.  Study your rounding study guide.
Math--Period 2--Complete worksheet 11/25 on simplifying fractions.  Remember to write SC1 or SC2 (shortcut 1 or shortcut 2)  beneath the circled problems.  Use your simplifying fractions study guide to help you with your shortcuts.  Study your simplifying fractions study guide and your prime number list.
Math--Period 3--Complete worksheet number 44.  Complete numbers 1 to 18 in your notebook like you did during class today.  Complete 25 to 39 on the worksheet itself.  Follow the examples we completed in class today.  Study your prime number list.
Homeroom Reminders--Tomorrow is the last day to bring in items for our veterans and active military members.  Thank you to the students who donated items!  Students may also bring a drink and snack to school tomorrow for our PBIS reward mixer in the afternoon.  Tomorrow will also be Day 8--Phys. Ed. class.
Have a nice evening!