Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Math--Period 1--Today in class, we worked on equivalent fractions, and we started factoring.  For homework complete review worksheet Day 13 and your fraction worksheet.  
Math--Period 2--Today in class, we worked on equivalent fractions, and we started factoring. For homework complete review worksheet Day 13 and your fraction worksheet.  If you didn't already do so, complete your equivalent fraction worksheet. 
Science--Periods 3 and 4--Finish the rest of your cookie worksheet.  This includes the chart and questions.  Study your half sheet which reviews how to find mean, median, mode, and range.  We will be having a quiz on this on Friday.
Homeroom Reminders--Pictures were sent home today.  Tomorrow is Day 6--Music.
C is for Cookie. That's good enough for me!  We had a very busy day!
Have a fantastic night!