Monday, November 23, 2015

Monday, November 23, 2015
Math--Period 1--Complete review worksheet Day 26.  Also redo any problems that you had incorrect on your multiplication quiz on the back of your quiz paper.  Get your quiz signed. 
Math--Period 2--Complete review worksheet Day 26.  Complete your division assignment.  Since many students are at a different place with division, I wrote your assignment at the top of your paper in green marker.  Follow the examples from class and remember to multiply to check your answers. 
Science--Periods 3 and 4--Today in class we checked our graphic organizers on the animal kingdom.  We also went over our classification system from kingdom to species.  There is no homework.
Homeroom Reminders--Spartan communication folders were sent on Friday.  Return them to school tomorrow.  Tomorrow you may wear sweatpants to show your support for National Diabetes Awareness month.  It is also Day 8--Computer Class--tomorrow.
It was a great Monday!
A day and a half to go!