Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Math--Period 1--Complete your factor worksheet up to number 50.  Complete textbook page 375 problems 5 to 11.  Complete Day 71 worksheet--front and back.
Math--Period 2--Correct worksheet Day 67. Complete the front and back of worksheet Day 69.  Do section 1 of the second side on lined paper.  Complete the sections 2 and 3 directly on the worksheet.
Science--Periods 3 and 4--Tomorrow is your test.  Study the highlighted words on your topic three study guide, your web on the 5 classes of vertebrates based on textbook pages 98 and 99, and your web on the four kingdoms. Also students may correct their reptile and amphibian papers for tomorrow to earn extra points!
Homeroom Reminders--Signed midterm progress reports are due. If you are participating in the "I'm a Reader" program, bring in your paper ASAP.  Tomorrow is Day 1--Art class.
It was a great Tuesday!