Friday, March 20, 2015

Friday, March 20, 2015
Math--Period 1--Correct Day 75 worksheet and the attached graph. Complete Day 77 worksheet and the attached measurement paper. 
Math--Period 2--Correct Day 74 worksheet and the attached graph. Complete Day 76 worksheet and the attached fraction paper. There were several people who did not have textbook page 224 problems 1 to 20 finished.  If you did not have this finished, complete it over the weekend.  Remember when you can not divide your denominator by your numerator to list the factors of your numerator!
Science--Periods 3 and 4--Due to our early dismissal, we did not have Science class today.  Period 3, textbook pages 105, 106, and 107 need to be finished.  These pages were assigned yesterday.  Period 4, return your test if you did not already do so.  Period 4 has no written homework.
Homeroom Reminders--Communication envelopes were sent home.  Don't forget about our candy basket for the PTO basket auction. We need donations of candy and/or toothbrushes. There is a change in Monday's lunch menu.  The choices are chicken fajita, corn dogs, and salads.  Today was not a special rotation day.  When we return to school on Monday, it will be Day 3--Phys. Ed. class.  Remember next Wednesday you will have a music quiz. Study the sheet Mrs. Schwartz gave you in class.
It was a quick day!
Have a fun weekend!