Thursday, December 18, 2014

Thursday, December 18, 2014
Math--Period 1--Complete Mixed Practice #3 problems 16 to 25.  WE WANT TO GIVE OUT MORE TICKETS!  Finish your sneaker multiplication paper if you did not already do so.
Math--Period 2--Correct Mixed Practice # 3 problems 16 to 25.  Complete Mixed Practice #3 problems 26 to 36.  WE WANT TO GIVE OUT MORE TICKETS!  Finish your multiplication paper if you did not already do so.
Science--Periods 3 and 4--Your final invention picture and sentence paper are due tomorrow.  Many students already handed in their projects!
Homeroom Reminder--Tomorrow is Day 1--Art class.
One more day!  Two and a half days of school left in 2014!