Monday, December 8, 2014

Monday, December 8, 2014
Math--Period 1--If you didn't get your test signed yet, please do so tonight.  Correct and finish Mixed Practice 1.  Use your glossary or index to help you if you are unsure.  Also pay close attention to any pointers that I wrote your paper.
Math--Period 2--There is no homework.  We did not have class today due to grade 5 chorus practice.
Science--Periods 3 and 4--Start to think of an invention that will improve someone's life. Also start to study your two study guides on Topic 2. We haven't scheduled our test date yet.
Homeroom Reminders--If you didn't return your progress report to school signed, please do so tomorrow.  Tomorrow will be band practice at the high school.  If you are in band and you did not preorder a school lunch from the cafeteria, bring a bagged lunch.  Also remember to bring drinks.  Tomorrow will be Day 4--Computer class. 
Have a great night!