Thursday, January 9, 2014
Math--Period 1--Complete your graph worksheet. Correct worksheets R 3-3 and P 3-3. Do your corrections on the lined paper that you received in class. Complete page 84 sets A, B, and C. Do your work on the lined paper that you received in class. We will have our quiz tomorrow on sections 3-1 to 3-3.
Math--Period 2--Complete your graph worksheet. Complete page 84 sets A, B, and C. Do your work on the lined paper that you received in class. We will have our quiz tomorrow on sections 3-1 to 3-3.
Science--Period 3--Read pages 30 to 32 of your Landforms book and finish the Mount Shasta worksheet.
Science--Period 4--Today we started our test. Study your Rivers study guide and Stream-Tables 2 study guide. We will work on our test in class again tomorrow.
Homeroom Reminders--Tomorrow is Day 4--Computer class.
Have a great night!