Thursday, January 23, 2014
Math--Period 1--Complete the following problems on lined paper: page 78 (13 to 18), page 80 (8 to 12), page 79 (24 to 30) and the newspaper recycling worksheet. Most students are nearly finished all of this work.
Math--Period 2--Complete the following problems on lined paper: page 78 (13 to 18), page 80 (8 to 12), page 79 (24 to 30), and page 81 (32 to 39) and the newspaper recycling worksheet. Most students are nearly finished all of this work.
Science--Period 3--Begin the research part of your project. You need to bring in at least 2 printed web pages and 2 pictures related to your Natural Wonder. This is information is due on Monday. Students have received written directions for this project.
Science--Period 4--Finish items 20, 21, and 22 of your Shapes of Earth worksheet.
Homeroom Reminders--Tomorrow is Day 2--Library class. Your basketball paper for Phys. Ed. is due tomorrow.
Have a great night!