Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Periods 1 to 5--No homework.
Period 6--Get "What is Matter Made of?" and "What a Reaction!" signed.
*Today in Periods 2, 3, 5, and 6 we went over our final project for Mixtures and Solutions. If you want to start to look for an idea for a physical science or chemistry experiment or a report, you can check out the links to the left. There are also project ideas on notebook page 44. No due date has been set for this project yet. Detailed information on this project is in your child's orange science folder.
Homeroom Reminders--Communication envelopes were sent home today. When we return to school on Tuesday, it will be Day 1-Music. Grade 5 has Santa's Secret Shop on December 7th.
Have a great Thanksgiving holiday! Eat lots of mixtures!