Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

Period 1--Do Decompression Sickness worksheet 1 to 5.
Periods 2 and 3--Read and complete the Matter worksheet.
Periods 4 and 5--Test Wednesday. Study your study guide and notebook pages 18, 19, and 21. You can also practice and study using the Investigation 2 quizlet to the left under Mr. Wolfe's links. Read and complete the Matter worksheet.
Period 6--Finish the math connection on notebook page 34. Read and complete the Matter worksheet.
Homeroom Reminders--Report card slips need to be signed and returned by Friday. P.T.O. fundraisers are due. There will be no detention or after school program on Tuesday and Thursday of this week due to parent-teacher conferences. Our next Phys. Ed. class is next Monday--Day 5.
Have a great night!