Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Math--Period 1--Complete worksheet Day 69 and study your rules of divisibility.  Students received a red paper which contains their login, password, and detailed directions to access our textbook and workbook online.  Students may keep this red paper in their Math folder or at home.
Math--Period 2--Complete worksheet Day 71 and workbook pages 95 and 96 problems 1 to 7.  Do this work on lined paper.  For the problem solving show all of your work.  Students received a red paper which contains their login, password, and detailed directions to access our textbook and workbook online.  Students may keep this red paper in their Math folder or at home.  
Math--Period 3--We did not have class today due to our early dismissal.  There is no homework.
Homeroom Reminder--Tomorrow will be Day 1--Art class.

Have a nice evening!