Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Math--Period 1--Study your rules of divisibility.  Study your two definitions and your prime number lists.  Finish workbook pages R and P 5-2.  Follow the examples we did in class today.
Math--Period 2--Study your rules of divisibility.  Study your two definitions and your prime number lists.  Do the next 10 numbers in your factor packet.
Math--Period 3--Study your rules of divisibility.  Study your two definitions and your prime number lists.  Complete your factor packet to number 100.  Complete workbook page P 9-1.
Homeroom Reminders--Thank you to the families who sent in gift cards for the PTO Basket Raffle.  Gift cards are due by this Friday.  Also, please send in a note by tomorrow if you are interested in chaperoning our field trip.  Tomorrow will be Day 3--Music class.
Have a fantastic night!