Monday, November 13, 2017

Monday, November 13, 2017
Math--Period 1--Finish workbook page P 3-9 problems 4 and 5.  Finish your individual assignment which is written in your homework book.
Math--Period 2--Complete practice sheet 11/13 on rounding decimals.
Math--Period 3--Finish your individual assignment which is written in your homework book.
Homeroom Reminders--On Friday, we will have a dress down day to benefit active members of our military as well as veterans.  Last week you received a list of items that will be used to make care packages for them.  You may bring in an item any time this week and dress down on Friday.  Thank you for participating!  If you  haven't already returned your signed report card envelope, please do so ASAP.    Tomorrow will also be Day 4--Phys. Ed. class.
We had a great Monday!
Have a nice evening!