Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Math--Period 1--Complete the two fraction papers with HW 4/11 at the top.  Follow the examples we did in class.
Math--Period 2--Complete the two fraction papers with HW 4/11 at the top.  Follow the examples we did in class. Correct your addition and subtraction of fractions paper from last night.  If you did not receive this paper back, you had no corrections to do.
Science--Periods 3 and 4--There is no homework.
Homeroom Reminders--On Friday, we sent home information on our Philadelphia Zoo field trip.  Please return your permission slips ASAP.  Yesterday students received report cards.  Please sign and return report card envelopes ASAP. Tomorrow will be Day 5--Phys. Ed. class.
Have a fantastic night!