Thursday, March 30, 2017

Thursday, March 30, 2017
Math--Period 1--Complete workbook page P 9-9 numbers 1 to 8 only.  Do this work on lined paper.  Follow the example we completed during class today.  The workbook page is inside your folder with your lined paper.
Math--Period 2--Complete workbook page P 9-9 numbers 1 to 12 only.  Do this work on lined paper.  Follow the example we completed during class today.  The workbook page is inside your folder with your lined paper.
Science--Periods 3 and 4--We will have our test on the circulatory system tomorrow.  Study your study guide and the web paper on the parts of the blood and different types of blood vessels.
Homeroom Reminders--Tonight is NSE Taco Bell Night from 5 to 8.  St. Clair Taco Bell will donate 15% of your purchases to NSE to benefit our Accelerated Reading Program.  We are accepting donations of wrapped candy for our basket for the PTO basket auction.  Thank you to the people who already made donations!  We will have a dress down day tomorrow.  Students participating may donate $1.00 to benefit an autism charity.  Tomorrow is Day 7--Art class.
One day to go!
Have a fantastic evening!