Monday, February 27, 2017

Monday, February 27, 2017
Math--Period 1--Finish the probability paper and multiplication paper that we started in class today.  Both of these papers have 2/27 written at the top.  Some of you have a multiplication paper with division problems on the second side.  Do NOT do this side tonight.
Math--Period 2--Finish the probability paper and the multiplication paper that we started in class today.  Also do the second side of the multiplication paper.  There are a few division problems for practice.  Both of these papers have 2/27 written at the top.
Science--Periods 3 and 4--Study your plant study guide and the highlighted parts of your flower papers.  We will have our test on Wednesday.  Continue to review daily.
Homeroom Reminders--Spartan communication folders were sent home again today.  There are some students who need to finish art projects for Ms. Zink.  These will be due on Thursday.  Tomorrow will be Day 10--Phys. Ed. class.
Have a great night!