Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Math--Period 1--Complete the multiplication worksheet with HW 1/24 written at the top.  Use your skip counting on the lined paper if you need it.
Math--Period 2--Complete the distributive property worksheet with HW 1/24 written at the top.  Follow the examples we did in class.  Do a neat job!
Science--Period 3--Study your invertebrate graphic organizer.  Our test date has not been set yet.
Science--Period 4--Study your invertebrate study packet for our test on Friday.
Homeroom Reminders--Please sign your child's report card envelope and return it to school ASAP.  You may keep the report card.  Tomorrow will be Day 2--Art class.
We had a busy and productive day!
Have a fantastic night!