Thursday, December 1, 2016

Thursday, December 1, 2016
Math--Period 1--Complete your practice paper with HW 12/1 written at the top.
Math--Period 2--Complete textbook page 32 problems 29 and 30.  Remember to write what you know, think about what you are being asked, and then do your math work.  Label your answer and reread the problem once you are finished to be sure that your answer makes sense.  Do a great job--like you did in class today!
Science--Period 3--Study your graphic organizer on the four kingdoms.  We will have a quiz tomorrow.  Also if you did not finish your dichotomous key activity in class today, finish it this evening.
Science--Period 4--Study your graphic organizer on the four kingdoms.  We will have a quiz tomorrow.
Homeroom Reminder--Tomorrow is Day 2--Art class.
One day to go!
Have a fantastic night!