Friday, September 9, 2016

Friday, September 9, 2016
Math--Period 1--There is no homework.  Today in class, we continued to practice writing numbers up to the hundred billions place in standard form.
Math--Period 2--Today we took our place value chart quiz and started our next review sheet.  Our class was shorter than normal due to our 9/11 program.  There is no homework.
Science--Period 3--Today we did not have class due to our 9/11 program.  There is no homework.
Science--Period 4--Today we started to review the scientific method which we will tie to an experiment on Monday.  There is no homework.
Homeroom Reminders--Red Spartan communication folders were sent home today.  Just a reminder--there will be a 2 hour data delay on Wednesday.  Thank you to Mr. Kessler, a fireman from the Washington, D.C. area, who talked to fifth grade about 9/11.  When we return to school on Monday, it will be Day 10--Phys. Ed. 
Have a great weekend!