Monday, February 29, 2016

Monday, February 29, 2016
Math--Periods 1 and 2--Complete worksheets D 1-3 and D 1-4. Remember to answer the questions in the white space on the paper before selecting your multiple choice answers.
Science--Periods 3 and 4--Today in class, we continued our flower folder project.  They look fantastic!  Remember to do the following--draw your flower, label the 10 parts that are listed on the grade sheet, and write a sentence describing the function of each of the parts.  Refer to your grade sheet for more specific details.  Continue to study your plant graphic organizer, your plant study guide, your flower study guide (especially the highlighted items), and your flower diagram (especially the highlighted items).  We stapled all of these items into a packet today.  Our test will be on Friday.
Homeroom Reminders--Signed midterm progress reports are due by Wednesday.  Our February homework reward mixer will be tomorrow. Students who did not miss more than one homework assignment in the month of February may bring a drink and snack for our mixer.  Tomorrow will be Day 2--Art class.
Have a fantastic evening!