Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Math--Periods 1 and 2--Complete worksheet Day 50.  Many of you are doing a great job finding least common denominators!  Keep up the good work!
Science--Periods 3 and 4--We will have our test on Thursday. Continue studying your web (or the 5 Classes of Vertebrates Study Guide), your Venn diagram on reptiles and amphibians, and your Topic 3 Lesson 2 Study Guide.  Today in class, we continued our Galapagos Island reptile projects.  Several students starting to write their paragraphs today.  They look GREAT!  We will continue this project in class again tomorrow.  There is no written homework. 
Homeroom Reminder--Tomorrow is Day 4--Study Island.
Have a great night!