Thursday, October 8, 2015

Thursday, October 8, 2015
Math--Period 1--Complete your test corrections on the lined paper you received in class today.  Get your test signed.  Complete workbook page P 1-5 problems 1 to 8.  Remember to stack your numbers when you are ordering them.
Math--Period 2--Complete your test corrections on the lined paper you received in class today.  Get your test signed.  Complete all of workbook page P 1-5.  Remember to stack your numbers when you are ordering them.
Science--Periods 3 and 4--We will have a quiz on our Lesson 2 study guide next Wednesday.  Start to study. 
Homeroom Reminders--Remember next Wednesday you will have a quiz in Music class.  Study your meter paper and review sheet. These papers should be in your Math folder so you don't lose them. Tomorrow will be Day 9--Library class and a 12:00 dismissal.  Due to our early dismissal tomorrow, the cafeteria will only be serving breaded chicken sandwiches for lunch.  There will be no alternate, wraps, or salads.
Have a fantastic night!