Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Math--Period 1--Complete Mixed Practice # 5 problems 1 to 14.  Complete textbook pages 68 and 69.  Complete workbook page 20.  (Most students only need to complete the Mixed Practice paper.)
Math--Period 2--Complete Mixed Practice # 4 problems 31 to 33.  Complete textbook pages 68 and 69 problems 1 to 18.
Science--Periods 3 and 4--We continued our bridge building project in class today.  Congratulations, period 3, all of your bridges were able to hold more than 50 grams!  Period 4 will wrap up their bridge building tomorrow and test their ability to hold at least 50 grams.  Your Topic 3 study guide is due on Friday.  This will be graded.  If you are participating in Envirothon, that paper is due on Friday as well.
Homeroom Reminder--Tomorrow is Day 1--Art class.
It was a busy Tuesday!
Have a great snowy night!