Thursday, November 13, 2014
Math--Period 1--If you need to practice your multiplication facts, write them on the paper you received in class today. Complete worksheet P 2-4. Remember to complete numbers 3 to 8 and number 12 using grid paper. You also need a sentence answer for number 12. Review Lessons 2-2 and 2-3 for tomorrow's quiz.
Math--Period 2--If you need to practice your multiplication facts, write them on the paper you received in class today. Complete the rounding worksheet. Complete textbook pages 54 and 55 Sets B and C. Complete this work in your notebook. Remember to follow the examples from class.
Science--Periods 3 and 4--Your study guide is due on Monday and will be graded. Your bar graph on your lab data is due next Thursday.
Homeroom Reminders--Tomorrow is Day 1--Art class.
It's almost the weekend!