Thursday, March 6, 2014

Thursday, March 6, 2014
Math--Period 1--Complete the basketball line graph worksheet and construct the pictograph on the back of it.  Complete page 163 Sets C and D on lined paper.  Remember for Set D to write what you KNOW before solving the problems. 
Math--Period 2--Complete the basketball line graph worksheet and construct the pictograph on the back of it.  Complete pages 160 and 161 problems 5, 6, 7, and 10.  Remember to write what you KNOW before solving the problems.  You may use a calculator to help you with the problems on pages 160 an 161.  Complete page 163 Set C on lined paper.
Science--Period 3--Start to study your Separating Mixtures Study Guide.  Today in class we started to write our procedures for separating a dry mixture.  As groups finish, they will carry out their procedures.  Several groups did a great job and will start their labs tomorrow at the beginning of class!
Science--Period 4--We continued our map reading activites using the USGS maps of the Grand Canyon, Death Valley, and Mount Shasta.  For tomorrow you need to complete the front of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World paper and bring in the printed web pages and 2 pictures of your Wonder.
Homeroom Reminders--Signed progress reports are due. Tomorrow is Day 5--Music class.  Study your "Radio Active" paper for tomorrow's music quiz.
Have a great night!