Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Math--Period 1--Complete Daily Common Core worksheets D 3-5, D 3-6, and D 3-7.  Remember to show your work!
Math--Period 2--Complete pages 86 and 87 on lined paper.  Remember to show your work!
Science--Period 3--Extra Credit--Complete the last page of the National Parks packet using the Internet and earn bonus points.  This is due on Friday.  See Mr. Wolfe if you need to use the Internet in school.
Science--Period 4--Today in class we continued our topographic map activity. We will continue this activity tomorrow. There is no written homework.
Homeroom Reminders--If you haven't returned your communication folder this week, return it to school tomorrow.  Tomorrow is Day 4--Computer class.
Have a great night!