Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Math--Period 1--Complete the following problems in your fraction packet.  On page 1 do 26 to 35.  On page 2 do 33 to 42.  Finish the last page.  We will have a test tomorrow on fractions.  If you did not have a 100% on your last timed drill, write your facts on the paper that was given to you.
Math--Period 2--Complete the following problems in your fraction packet. On page 1 do 26 to 35. On page 2 do 33 to 42. Finish the last page up to problem L.  We will have a test tomorrow on fractions.  If you did not have a 100% on your last timed drill, write your facts on the paper that was given to you.
Science--Periods 3 and 4--Today we reviewed characteristics common to the vertebrate groups as students shared information about their Zoo animal projects.  We will finish this discussion in class tomorrow.  There is no homework tonight.  However, there are several students who did not hand in their final Mixtures and Solutions projects and Zoo projects! 
Homeroom Reminders--Signed progress reports are due tomorrow.  Also don't forget about your permission slip for the Recess Relay walk.  Tomorrow is Day 5--Library class.
Have a great night!