Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday, April 29, 2013
Math--Period 1--Complete worksheet number 332 sets B and C.  Do your work on lined paper.  If you did not have a 100% on your last timed fact quiz, write your facts on the lined paper that was given to you.
Math--Period 2--Complete problems C, D, and E from the fraction sheet that we started today.  Remember to write the multiples of your denominators to help you find your common denominators.  If you did not have a 100% on your last timed fact quiz, write your facts on the lined paper that was given to you.
Science--Periods 3 and 4--We finished our Science project presentations today.  We moved the due date for our animal project to Wednesday.  Be sure to follow the directions that were given to you in class.
Homeroom Reminders--We did not give out Envirothon papers for Wednesday's meeting today.  We will do this tomorrow.  We will stay after school on Wednesday until 5:15.  Parent permission is needed for you to participate in the Relay at Recess for the American Cancer Society.  Send in a note or complete the permission slip that was sent home on Friday.  Tomorrow is Day 3--Computers.
Have a great night!