Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012
Math--Period 1--Complete numbers 1 to 20 of Lesson 18.  If you didn't already do so, get your tests signed.
Math--Period 2--Complete division worksheet numbers 3 to 12 do your work and checks in your notebook.
Science--Period 3--Complete page 3 of your study guide.  Correct your Decompression Sickness packet.  We will have a test on the Investigation 2 study guide on Friday.
Science--Period 4--Complete your entire Decompression Sickness packet.  Use your textbook to help you and answer the circled items in sentence form.  Use parts of the question to help you write your sentence answers.  Study your Investigation 2 study guide for our test on Friday.
Homeroom Reminder--Tomorrow is Day 3--Computers.
Have a great night!