Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Math--Period 1--Finish Lessons 3 and 4. Remember to look for the lesson numbers at the bottom of the page in your textbook to make sure you are doing the correct lesson.
Math--Period 2--Finish Lesson 4 and do numbers 1 to 15 of Lesson 5. Remember to look for the lesson numbers at the bottom of the page in your textbook to make sure you are doing the correct lesson.
Science--Periods 3 and 4--Our test will be next Tuesday. Study your vocabulary words on notebook pages 3 and 7. There are 12 terms. Also study your study guide which is stapled on notebook page 5. If you are redoing your safety posters to earn a 100, they are due on Friday.
Homeroom Reminder--Tomorrow is Day 3--Computer.
Have a great night!