Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday, February 10, 2012

Math--Period 1--If you did not have a 100% on your last timed drill, write your 7 times tables. We will be moving on to the 8 times tables next week. Practice with your flashcards or on the computer.
Math--Period 2--If you did not have a 100% on your last timed drill, write your 7 times tables. We will be moving on to the 8 times tables next week. Practice with your flashcards or on the computer. Complete page 174, A to L in your notebook. Correct and finish Lesson 28.
Science--Periods 3 and 4--We took our test today. If you were absent, be ready to take it when you return.
Homeroom Reminders--Communication envelopes were sent home today. Your child also received a list of the students in our homeroom to help with writing out Valentines. Our party will be on Tuesday afternoon. When we return to school on Monday, it will be Day 3--Computers.
Have a great weekend!