Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Math--Period 1--Complete the following problems from Lesson 26--1 to 3, 12 to 21 and number 27. If you did not have a 100% on your last timed multiplication quiz, write your five times tables three times each. Study your rules for divisibility and your new flashcards.
Math--Period 2--Complete page 131, 21 to 31 in your notebook. Use your fraction pieces to help you complete the assignment. If you did not have a 100% on your last timed multiplication quiz, write your five times tables three times each. Study your new flashcards.
Science--Periods 3 and 4--No homework.
Homeroom Reminders--We will not have our VO test tomorrow. Instead, we will have it on the Thursday after Christmas break. Our Christmas party is tomorrow. Thank you, homeroom moms, for your help. Tomorrow is Day 3--Computers.
Have a great night!