Math--Period 1--Finish graph activity number 24 on page 324. This will be graded.
Math--Period 2--Do A to M on pp. 335 to 336 in your notebook.
Science--Periods 3 and 4--Today we went out to the Ag Lab again. We worked on an activity related to soils and the absorption of water. Our students did a great job!
Homeroom Reminders--Tomorrow will be our VO quiz on prefixes. We will have a VO quiz on suffixes on Tuesday. Our schedule was changed today due to a fire drill. If you are interested in serving as a chaperone for our field trip on May 5, please send in a note by April 20. Chaperones need to have their clearances on file in the school office. Study your volleyball review sheet for your quiz on Monday.
Have a great night!