Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wed., Dec. 15 and Thurs. Dec. 16

Math--Period 1--Do lesson 30 circled problems only.
Math--Period 2--No homework. We took our cumulative test and Power-Up test on Wednesday.
Science--Periods 3 and 4--Your scavenger hunt is due on Friday. The poster project is due on Tuesday. Both of these items are graded. Don't let them go to the last minute. Study your Invevstigation 3 study guide.
Homeroom Reminders--Thursday is Chorus Rehearsal at the High School. Chorus students will have practice all day. They are to bring a bagged lunch. Since most fifth graders are in chorus, we will not have regular classes on Thursday. Students not in chorus are permitted to bring a board game to school. The Elementary Band and Chorus concert is on Thursday at 7:00 p.m. at the high school. We will have regular classes on Friday after the Elementary Band/Chorus concert. On Friday we will have a VO test on prefixes, suffixes, root words, and words 1 to 21. Students should be reviewing VO for 10 minutes every night.
Have a great night!