Monday, March 30, 2009

Monday, March 30, 2009

Period 1--Test tomorrow on "Maps and How They Are Made." Study the packet tonight.
Periods 2, 3, and 4--Get Landforms quiz signed.
Social Studies
Period 1--Complete your section of the New England outline.
Period 2--Do workbook page 50 (in your folder) and the "Slavery in the Colonies" worksheet. Both of these will be graded. Study your flashcards.
Period 3--Finish your graph. Do"Slavery in the Colonies" worksheet. Both of these will be graded. Study your flashcards.
Period 4--Do workbook page 50 (in your folder) and the "Slavery in the Colonies" worksheet. Both of these will be graded. Study your flashcards.
Homeroom announcements--Yearbook order forms were sent home today. Pictures or picture money is due ASAP.
Have a great night!